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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Skinny Jeans

What is it about gaining weight that prompts us to retire our old cloths to the bottom drawer of the dresser. My denial lead to hope that some day I would return to the glory days of wearing (my skinny jeans) size 30 pants and medium shirts. Hell, I cant remember the last time I was able to fit into anything smaller than a size 38 and even that was years ago. I still have those 38 specials tucked away in the dresser for that rainy day when my ass and fashion catch back up with each other.

Who are we kidding, half the stuff that we tuck away and store in bins on high shelves wasn't that fashionable when we bought it. I mean really, we bought most of that crap on our way up the weight gain scale because it fit better than the tight shit we were wearing before. I really had no sense of fashion only comfort. I was looking through the retirement section just the other day and came across a pair of sweat pants that were two sizes too small. I thought to myself, "really, your holding on to sweat pants in hopes of fitting back into them later, how freakin pathetic is that"? Yeah I promptly tossed them.

Then I started taking a hard look at all the stuff that was currently taking up space and not paying the rent. I had several pairs of pants, shirts, and sweaters that I bought during one of my more recent yo-yo phases.  I had lost about 55 pounds and was feeling so good about myself that I went out and bought a new wardrobe as a treat. What I failed to acknowledge is the season change that was coming in the following months.

Like a giddy schoolgirl with a crush on Justin Beeber, I proceeded wide-eyed and into the seasonal BOGO sales and came home arms loaded with new winter fashions. I even bought new shoes to match. I actually intended on wearing each outfit more than once. Problem was we had an unusually warm spring that year and so there they sat, in the closet on hangers waiting for the right day to be worn. But like the guy who didn't get asked to TOLO they stayed home, hoping for a chance to be worn the next year. However, it was not to be. Yep, you guessed it I packed that 55 pounds back on before the next winter with a few extra for good measure.

Frustrated beyond comprehension, I went on a cleaning spree. If it did not fit me right now it no longer had a room at the inn. I was through playing the storage game. I gave every bit of it to charity with the exception of socks, and underwear cause that would just be creepy, right?

Now I know some of you are saying wait just a minute Fat Guy, that is just a waste of money. Some of that stuff has only been worn once. I say to you "yep, your right".  Somebody will hopefully get a great deal on some like new clothing and I will have done my part to make even the worst of fashion accessible to the less fortunate masses.

So if your hanging on to those lost cloths memories in hopes of rekindling the relationship later, just remember this thought:

"If you love those clothes, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were".
(Author, Richard Bach) Loosely adapted

Oh, BTW that picture is not of me. I would never dare! Photo courtesy of

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