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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Did My Feet Get Bigger? Off with the Dingys, On with the Tuna Boats

What is it about being fat that make your body go through the stupidest changes? About five years ago when I really started packing on the weight, I notices that my shoes were not fitting comfortably anymore. So like any sane person who has added some girth to the old frame would do, I promptly blamed it on the clearly shrunken and poorly manufactured shoes.

My astute and logical explanation for this anomaly led me to the conclusion that I needed to go to the shoe store and find a better shoe in my size. So off I went in my poorly fitting size 10 1/2 (D) shoes. I arrived at the local outlet store and began my search for the perfect fitting shoe. I was approached by a sales associate who asked me if she could help measure my foot and find something in my size. I quickly answered stating " No, I know my size very well, it has been a 10 1/2 (D) my entire adult life". So she scurried off to help someone else and left me to my search.

I was able to find two pairs of shoes that I really liked and asked another associate if he could check to see if they had the shoes I had picked in a 10 1/2 (D). He said he would check in the back and left me to continue browsing. When he returned he informed me that he did not have these in a 10 1/2 (D) only 11 and 12. He then stated that I should try on the 11's and see how they feel, that maybe extra room would not be noticeable. Well, I am an easy going guy so I said "sure, what can it hurt" so he went to retrieve the 11's.

When he returned and unboxed these tuna boats I was saying to myself, "there is no way that these are going to fit, they are way too freakin big", but I sat down anyway and tried one on. To my shock and surprise, these things not only did not fit, they were too small as well. How could this be? I mean I am 47 years old,  how did my feet get bigger? The associate looked at me like I was an idiot who did not even know what size shoes I wore.

Then he said something that I really did not want to hear, "maybe we need to go up a size and see if that works". I was thinking who is this "WE" of which he speaks, and the only thing that needs to go up is my foot, up your ass for even thinking I would fit into a 12. But I said "no, I don't think a 12 is going to fit".  So he asks "what part of the size 11 did not feel right"? I was thinking none of it felt right you schmuck, it was like putting on jeans when your ass and legs are still wet. You know, they are supposed to fit but you struggle to pull them up higher than your thighs. Anyway I told him they were tight all around so I was not sure where the fit was worse.

He gave me a strange look and said he would be right back. When he returned, he had two pairs of shoes that looked just like the ones that I had just failed to fit into. He handed me the first shoe and said try this one on. Not wanting to argue, I slipped my foot into the shoe. It was like night and day. The shoe fit comfortably without any tightness at all. I told the associate that it fit and asked what he had done. He stated that my problem was not only length but width as well. So he pulled a size 12 (4E) just to see if that solved the problem. I was elated and sad at the same time. Elated that I had found a shoe that looked good and fit great, and sad that I had gained weight in my feet as well as my ass.

What I found out later from a podiatrist was that when the body gets heavier by as little as 20 lbs, the foot compensates by spreading out. On occasion the arches of the feet can even fall from the excess weight. This is what happened to some extent with my feet. They have flattened out and are now longer and wider than before. I now have to wear arch supports when I exercise or go on long walks. My feet are constantly in pain but the shoes now fit.

So if your Dingy will no longer hold all the fishing gear, you may want test drive a Tuna Boat for the sake of the fishing trip : )

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